Revising Chapters Strategically: Reverse Outlining with Claim and Function Tags

Revising Chapters Strategically: Reverse Outlining with Claim and Function Tags

If you’ve ever struggled with chapters that feel a bit unfocused or overwrought, know that you’re definitely not alone. As writers, it’s easy to get caught up in our ideas and end up with chapters that are trying to do too much. But there’s a really useful strategy that can help: reverse outlining with claim and function tagging.

What is Reverse Outlining?

So what exactly is reverse outlining? It simply means creating an outline from a draft you’ve already written, rather than starting with an outline and then writing. By retrofitting an outline onto your existing prose, you can see the bones of your argument more clearly.

The Key to Reverse Outlining: Tagging

The real power comes in when you add claim and function tagging to the mix:

  • Claim tags capture the main point or argument of each paragraph— the “what.”
  • Function tags name the job each paragraph is doing to advance your overall points – the “why.” Functions could include things like presenting evidence, analyzing evidence, raising a key question, defining an important term, or putting scholars in dialogue.

Want more examples of claim tagging and function tagging? Check out Chapter 15 of The Dissertation-to-Book Workbook or join our Book Chapter Shortcut.

Dissertation-to-book Workbook

What You Will Find When You Reverse Outline?

Looking at your paragraphs through this claim/function lens can sharpen your chapter’s focus and flow in some pretty amazing ways:

  1. It pushes you to get clear on your core arguments. Distilling each paragraph down to a main claim reveals what your chapter is truly saying.
  2. It shines a light on structural problems. Function tags make it easy to spot places where your logic is gappy, repetitive, or not quite lining up.
  3. It shows you what’s missing. If key functions like broadening implications or establishing stakes are absent, you’ll know where you need to develop your ideas more.
  4. It helps you edit more objectively. When you’re looking at bare-bones claim/function statements instead of all your carefully crafted prose, it’s easier to see what’s essential and what can be cut.
  5. It illuminates where you need better transitions. Seeing each paragraph’s function exposes where your ideas may be jumping around without clear signposting for readers.
  6. It provides an actionable revision plan. A claim/function-tagged outline is basically a customized to-do list: consolidate these redundant paragraphs, flesh out the analysis here, smooth out this logical jump, and so on. Suddenly revising doesn’t feel so daunting.

How to Reverse Outline Your Chapter

If you’re curious to try it, here’s how: Go through your chapter and jot down a concise claim and function tag for each paragraph. Claims should capture the core argument or point in a short phrase. Functions should note how the paragraph is supporting your big-picture goals, using language like the examples listed above.

How to Evaluate Your Reverse Outline

With your outline of claim/function tags in hand, assess what you see. Where are the gaps or redundancies? What’s not pulling its weight in building your arguments? Are any key functions missing? Challenge yourself to pinpoint areas for improvement.

Then (and this is key!) use your claim/function outline as a guide for revising. It’s your map for restructuring, cutting, adding, and polishing your prose until you have a cohesive, compelling chapter. By understanding not just what each paragraph is saying, but why it matters and how it fits, you can shape your message with intention and power.

In our experience, this approach to revising has been enormously clarifying and helpful. It’s one of the most effective tools we’ve found for transforming those early rough drafts into writing that really shines. So if you’re feeling stuck or muddled with a chapter, consider giving reverse outlining with claim and function tags a go. Be patient with yourself as you try out a new strategy, and remember—you’ve got this! With a little time and effort, you’ll be on your way to a chapter that does justice to your great ideas.

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